In the following Legal Notice, the user will find all the information regarding the legal conditions that define the relationship between the users and the responsible of the webpage with the URL (“the website” hereinafter), that the Grupo Mensajeros de la Paz set up for internet users.
Using the website implies accepting fully and with no reservation all the dispositions included in this Legal Notice. Accordingly, the users are encouraged to read attentively this Legal Notice every time they access the website, to stay informed of changes or updates that could be made in the text by the web owner or because of a legislative, jurisprudential, or corporate change.
Owner Name: Sergio Mella Aceves Registered Office: Pza General Vara de Rey, n.º 9, 28005 Madrid C.I.F.: G-28485779 Phone: 913643940 Email Address: Sergio Mella Aceves is the website responsible and commits to fulfill all the national and European requirements that regulate the use of users’ personal data. This Website guarantees protection and confidentiality of the personal data according to the General Regulations of Personal Data Protection (UE) 2016/679 from the European Parliament and Council, on April 27 2016, in the Organic Law 3/2018, of Personal Data Protection and guarantee of the digital rights, as in the Law for the Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services 34/2002 of July 11 (LSSI-CE).2.- OBJEcTive
The website gives access to the information and services provided by the Grupo Mensajeros de la Paz to the users, people or organizations interested in them. Access and use of the website confers the condition of user of the website (“user” hereinafter) and implies the acceptance of all conditions included in this Legal Notice as well as its modifications. The website service has a limited duration from the moment the user connects to the site or to any of the services provided in it. Hence, the user is encouraged to read the Legal Notice periodically to stay informed of updates.3.- WEBSITE ACCESS AND USE
3.1.- Website free nature and use. Access to this website is free to all users, except for the connection cost related to the telecommunication service the user has hired.
3.2.- Users Registration. General access and use of our website does not demand user’s previous subscription or registration.
3.3.- Users guarantee and respond to the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data provided and commit to keep them updated. Users accept to give complete and correct information in the contact or subscription forms.
Minors will not be asked any information related to the professional or economic situation or any intimate information of their relatives without their consent. If you are younger than thirteen years old and entered this website without your parents’ consent, do not register as user. The website respects and protects the users’ personal data. As user, your rights are guaranteed.4.- Website content
The language used by the web owner is Spanish. Grupo Mensajeros de la Paz does not take responsibility for user’s lack of comprehension or understanding of the website’s language, nor for its consequences. Grupo Mensajeros de la Paz reserves the right to change or remove the content without notice, as well as to change the form of access to the website, freely and without any justification, taking no responsibility for the consequences these changes may cause on the users. Using the website content to promote, hire or publish advertising, personal or third-part information without Grupo Mensajeros de la Paz’s authorization is prohibited. It is also prohibited to forward advertising or information using the service or information provided to the users, whether the usage of these is for free or not. Links and hyperlinks directed to this website, that third-parties include on their webs, will be directed to the full website, not giving, directly or indirectly, any false, incorrect or confusing indications, nor taking any disloyal or illicit actions against Grupo Mensajeros de la Paz.5.- SECURITY MEASURES
Personal data provided by the user will be stored in automated or nonautomated data bases, exclusively owned by Grupo Mensajeros de la Paz, taking all technical, organizational and security measures to guarantee confidentiality, integrity and quality of the information included in the bases, in accordance with the regulations in force on personal data protection.6.- RESPONSIBILITY LIMITATION
Both website access and non-consented use that may be done of the information are the exclusive responsibility of the users. Grupo Mensajeros de la Paz shall not be held liable for any consequence, damage or prejudice that may arise out of said access or use. Grupo Mensajeros de la Paz is not responsible for security errors that may happen or the damages that may be caused to the user’s computer system (hardware or software), or to the files or documents stored in it, as a consequence to:- The presence of a virus in the user’s computer, which is used to connect to the website’s services and content.
- Malfunction of the browser and/or the use of outdated versions of it.