Through the Asturias cloister, one of five in the temple, you can access the Mensajeros de la Paz museum.
The space housing the museum is a multipurpose room used for conferences and events. A stroll through it invites you to reflect on the arduous work of Father Ángel and the Mensajeros de la Paz, transcending borders with their efforts.
The Mensajeros de la Paz Association is the original entity founded by Father Ángel and is currently the central headquarters of the social group of organizations he founded later. This social group also includes entities from autonomous communities, local branches in different countries, and the Edad Dorada Association as well as the Mensajeros de la Paz Foundation.
The Mensajeros de la Paz Association is a non-governmental organization declared of public utility with a national and international scope, distinguished, among other awards, with the Prince of Asturias Award for Concord. Based in Madrid, Spain, we work in favour of the human and social awareness of the most disadvantaged sectors of society, adapting to different social realities. Therefore, we invite you to observe the flags of the 75 countries where this association carries out projects. You can also see the numerous distinctions it has received during its years of history, and particularly, the Prince of Asturias Award for Concord in 1994.
Among the main recognitions and awards the association has received are: the World Foundation for Peace Prize (1997), the Grand Gold Cross of the Civil Order of Social Solidarity (2002), the “Personality 2003” Award from the International Press Club (2003), the Mapfre Foundation Award for a Lifetime Professional Achievement (2005), the Spanish Universal Award (2005), the Carabela de Plata Award from Periodista Digital for Solidarity (2010), the Commemorative Medal of the First International Year of Volunteers celebrated by the United Nations, awarded by AEVOL (2013), the Gold Medal for Labor Merit(2014), the Grand Cross of the Order of May 2 of the Community of Madrid (2014), the Gold Medal of Asturias (2014), the Human Values Awards of the José Antonio Labordeta Awards (2018), the Beato de Liébana Award for International Cohesion (2019), the ECOFIN Award to the Mensajeros de la Paz Association with Spain’s Image Recognition in the Non-Profit Organization category (2019), and the Honorary Recognition for their contribution to a more humanitarian and supportive world from the United Nations Information and Communication Technology Facility in Valencia (ONU – UNICTF) (2020), among many other distinctions that you can see on the museum walls.
These projects demonstrate that a more just and peaceful world can be achieved, and inequalities can be fought against. Because, despite wars and hatred, Mensajeros de la Paz and its founder, Father Ángel, continue to assert that a better world “is more possible now than ever.” On the panels, you can find the evolution and the history of Mensajeros de la Paz since its foundation.